Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013

Circle Lens Review : GEO Mimi Sesame Grey

Hello,gals. Haii teman.. Today I wanna review my contact lenses. I have bad eye sight, I usually use glasses or contact lens. I used to wear standard lens like acuvue, avaiara, fresh look etc. But when I accidentally looked ulzaang girl tutorial on youtube, all of them wear contact lenses to make a dramatic look and dolly look. So after that, I curious and want to try war them too. Then, I decided to choose Geo Mimi because many people already had tried it before.

LOVELY AND CUTE MIMI Series the most preferable lens design for "bling bling" 
style people.

Click a picture, it’s connect to Geo website. .
 (She really looked like a princess) (♥o♥)

Cast Molding System / FDA approval / Dual Layer Coating Technology.(Sandwiching System)

Spesififcation :

Diameter: 15.00 mm

Base Curve: 8.60

Water content 37%

Duration : 6-12 month

Brand : Geo

Origin :  South-Korea
Material : Polymacon

Cute packaging. Pink Pink. (◡≦)

From : Korea

Senin, 28 Oktober 2013

New Hair Cut

Hai everyone. (◡≦)
 I’m sorry I left for a while. There are a lot task I must to do (re : that’s just my reason) LOL. I’m come back,and promise will posting regularly. Oke. 
What’s going on since my latest post before is "I CUTTING MY HAIR” and This is very short hair style I had, since I graduated from elementary school. My mom used to cut my hair like “Dora Style”  hahhaa.. 

Oh well, I think because I inspired by my favorite blogger maybe in my blog I will show many photos about me. Don’t called me narcissistic  because I’m Selfie Blogger.. LOL LOL.. This word I got from my favorite blogger, He is good looking, He likes share about his daily photos,  then many people jealous with him and started post bad comments, they think blog it’s must be full good writing skill, Informative, educative  etc.
But in my opinion not all blogger is TEACHER, that must be write good, or SCIENTIST, that must be know about everything then share it. In my side, blog is a place that we can share about everything, like experience, perspective, idea, hobby, even her/his self photo . The post will useful or not is depend who is a reader. So honestly I don’t like people that can appreciate and just negative thinking about someone. Enough!  I think I talk too much ^^ 

Oke next I will show you my photo with my new hair style. ~ ~ (\ o)/


This hairstyle quite popular enough when I in elementary school. hahaha

I kindda miss my long hair before